March 21, 2018

پنجره ای رو به خانه پدری دوشنبه ۲۸ اسفند


در ابتدای این برنامه از پنجره ای رو به خانه پدری و یک روز مانده به سال جدید نگاهی به انتخاب شخصیت های نمونه سال اعم از خوب، زشت و مضحک خواهیم افکند و به تفصیل در ارتباط با شخصیتی از جان گذشته و وطن دوست جناب آقای مهندس عباس امیر انتظام با سابقه بیست و پنج سال زندان با شما به صحبت خواهیم پرداخت و در این میان به دیدن چند گزارش تصویری از مصاحبه ایشان با آقای حسین دهباشی خواهیم نشست. سپس به انتخاب شهر نمونه سال و دیدن چند ویدیو کلیپ در این رابطه می نشینیم. در بخش دوم برنامه توجه تان را به گزارش های تصویری از واکنش رحیم مشایی در مقابل سفارت انگلیس به دستگیری حمید بقایی و همچنین نامه های احمدی نژاد به رهبر در همین ارتباط جلب می نماییم و توضیحاتی تقدیم حضورتان می کنیم. در انتها هم اشاره ای به سخنان اخیر ولیعهد عربستان خواهیم کرد و با شما به سخن خواهیم نشست. لازم به یاد آوری است که برنامه فردا ساعت ۶/۳۰ بوقت تهران شروع خواهد شد. با ما باشید و برنامه پنجره ای رو به خانه پدری را با دوستان و آشنایان خود به اشتراک بگذارید. منتظر شنیدن نظرات شما پیرامون این برنامه هستیم.

> A Window to the Fatherland – Monday March 2018
> We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
> Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
On the eve of the break of the New Persian Year of 1397, we will look at the good, bad, dirty and funny characters of the year in Iran, as well as the story of Esfandiar Rahim Mashaie, plus the latest comment of the Saudi Crown Prince about the regime of ignorance and tyranny in our fatherland.
> However, it is only too appropriate that webegin with looking at the character of a noble personality who has spent, so unjustly, a quarter of century of his life in the prisons of the most barbaric and corrupt regime of Iran’s history, and therefore remind ourselves of the gross injustice that he has been subjected to. And he is no one else except Abbas Amir Entezam, the living symbol of resistance of our people against the dictatorial and corrupt regime of the mullahs.

> In this regard, we will watch a few video clips of his interview with Hossein Dehbashi in which he reveals the barbaric treatments that he and many other Iranian freedom fighters have received in the torture chambers of the regime that are called ‘political prisons’.

> Our most repulsive and detestable character of Iran in 1396 must surely be Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi, better known as the “sugar merchant ayatollah” for his vast corrupt business empire of importing sugar to Iran at the cost of closure of all Iranian sugar refineries and unemployment of thousands of impoverished workers. And yet this reactionary but millionaire ayatollah is behind many of the religiously instigated repression policies of the regime and a true enemy of human rights of our people.
> We believe the funniest Iranian character of the last year should be Abdulali Asgari, the managing direct or the regime’s broadcasting organization> As for the most incompetent figure of the regime, the title will go to Mohammad Golpaygani, Khamenei’s personal secretary, whose only “positive” work during the said year has been to marry a second wife while entering his eighties.
> And finally, the most corrupt thief among the leaders of the Revolutionary Guard is certainly Rustam Ghassemi, who, with one stroke of pen alone has transferred 2 billion dollars into his foreign bankaccount.
> But in contrast to this catalogue of treachery and criminal acts of the regime’s officials against our nation, there stand the daily heroic struggle of the Iranian people, led by the youth, women and artists of Iran, in the form of street uprisings, defying the brutality of the regime and its repressive organs empty handed, and women taking off their vile and compulsory hijab in a direct message to the regime that its despotic rule has no future in our fatherland.
> Happy Nowruz to all!







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March 21, 2018 10:14 PM

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